Friday, February 24, 2017

Let's get started: Data day 1

As I have a vintage internet plan (i.e. none), I most likely will not be able to electronically document daily wins and losses, but I think pencil and paper data will work great as I can take them into the field. And, probably not every win or loss will be explicitly expressed. You don't want to hear how I picked up the bag of apples from the bottom of the bag and they rolled all over my kitchen floor on a weekly basis or how I delight in 6 a.m. yoga every Wednesday. Those will be added to the tally, but most likely not included verbatim. But, I think it might be fun to add the juicy stuff. The out of the ordinary stuff. And the funny and ironic stuff.

Here We Go (in the tone of the beginning of track 2 of Joanne :) )...


-free facial!
-starting this project

losses: 1

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